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Pathway Steering Committee

River Day 2024 Roamer Drawing Activities

Visit or participate in these activities and get punches on your drawing card.

The more punches the more chances you have in the big drawing.

( *requires a watercraft and some paddling experience; to try some basic paddling near McCormick Park see Troop 63 and ask about borrowing a canoe.
  **only recommended for skilled paddlers)

  • Paddle in the Grand Launch - 1:00pm near the McCormick Park Launch

  • Visit Farmer's Market & the Pollination Station, "make a snail" craft (open until 2pm)

  • Visit Nature Discovery "turtles on the loose" interactive station

  • Talk with historian of the Red Cedar MSU Librarian Eric Tans - share a story you have of the river, check out his interactive display

  • Paddle or walk to the foot bridge spanning the Red Cedar

  • Walk over to the Old Mill overlook and see a restored antique turbine, and catch demonstrations of expert paddlers shooting the rapids!

  • Paddle* upstream from McCormick Park thru the wetlands area to a designated turn-about

  • Paddle* downstream to Red Cedar Roadside Park

  • Visit Celebration Day artist's alley

  • Paddle downstream* and use the portage to cross the mill pond or shoot the rapids**

  • Visit the Coast Guard Auxiliary booth for a safety presentation/info

  • Visit the Lansing Oar and Paddle Club information booth

  • Visit the U.S. Fish and Wildlife display

  • Make a River Cookie with FIRE and SAW or see crafts made from reclaimed logjam wood

  • Spend some time listening to the Red Cedar River Boys band

Map of Activities in McCormick Park​

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